Saturday, October 25, 2008


Recently I came across an amazing movie ‘Real Women Have Curves’. Finally a movie that doesn’t make you feel that you have GOT to loose weight to feel beautiful! Completely out of the box it can easily put movies like Shallow Hall and Fat Girlz to shame. It is the first of it’s kind movie with a lead protagonist who stays fat from the start to the end. She is not ashamed about it no matter how much do the people nag her. The film embraces any body size and shape as beautiful, the first where self confidence and esteem are not gained by shedding off pounds. Instead, real women are presented uncensored. Yep! There is a scene where the overweight females are dancing in their lingerie without being conscious of their bodies. Commendable, it is. From the beginning till the end they learn to change their idea of beauty. They learn to accept themselves in a society which only calls for thin as pretty. The film focuses on the fact that females are not just about looks. They’re not a mere object of desire. They have brains, emotions, ideas and thoughts that might just knock your socks off- without looks being the criterion.

Adapting the idea to other issues and not just limiting it to accepting fat people, the problem with us is that we all try to measure upto standards, set by the society- be it beauty, intelligence, creativity or any other thing. And when we don’t find ourselves upto that mark, we don’t think we’re good enough. I say, to hell with that! Haven’t we been listening all our lives about everyone being different in their own unique way…so, why can’t we accept ourselves the way we are and totally be in love with it. When I come to think of it, the people I like the most, are the one’s who are absolutely unconventional. Che Guevara, Oprah Winfrey, America Ferrera, Nelson Mandela etc, etc. have all broken the stereotypes. And in what way. I feel that it would be the first step towards being able to accept different people and respect and love them. No standards, no pressures- 100% YOU! Celebrate what you've got.

I changed my mind after watching this movie and I hope you do too, because it is indeed necessary =)

1 comment:

Nishant Ratnakar said...

true.. If one wants to make a difference, then stereotypes have to be broken.
good post.